Best Place – European Place Marketing Institute
European Place Marketing Institute seeks new ideas and works on perfecting the already known and used marketing tools for place development. It combines science with practice. It effectively uses the media for promotion of new ideas. It builds beneficial relations and vital cooperation between local governments, non-government institutions, companies and other organisations, all of which aim for the development of places. The success of the Institute is the success of achieving local governments’ aims with which it cooperates.
The strength of Best Place – the European Place Marketing Institute – are the people who created it.
The Institute has a team of the best international experts, all specialising in place marketing and local development. Best Place invites you to visit their profiles here.
The Institute Values:
The synergy of knowledge, practical experience and skills
in marketing of places in diverse locations of varying sizes
Place marketing as a tool for sustainable local development
International cooperation, exchange of thoughts and experiences
Interdisciplinary approach to place development
Openness to new ideas
Media and public activity – both popular and educational
Critical approach to the administered schemes and used pathways
Priority for teaching and learning from the experiences of others,
and the exchange of knowledge.
The core of the organization in Poland are:

Krzysztof Przybył – President of the Foundation of Polish Promotional Emblem member of the Polish Chamber of Electronic Communication. In the 90s organiser and co-founder of many commercial law companies with various spectrums of activity. Co-founder, member of the Board of Directors for the MESCOMP companies involved in the multimedia activity (cable TV, Internet). Board of Directors member for many companies in the National Investment Funds.President of the Foundation of Polish Promotional Emblem member of the Polish Chamber of Electronic Communication. In the 90s organiser and co-founder of many commercial law companies with various spectrums of activity. Co-founder, member of the Board of Directors for the MESCOMP companies involved in the multimedia activity (cable TV, Internet). Board of Directors member for many companies in the National Investment Funds.
Krzysztof Opolski – University professor. Director of the Chair of Strategy and Economic Policy at the Faculty of Economic Sciences. Director of the postgraduate studies at the Warsaw University, among others, “Place marketing – promotion of cities’ and regions’ development” Author for many books on strategy and quality management. Chief Editor for the science magazine “Ekonomia” (Economy).
Andrzej Czernek – lawyer, graduate of the Warsaw University, former judge, legal advisor, attorney. Between 2002-2006 president of the Foundation of Polish Promotional Emblem, currently a Managing Director for the Foundation.
International Experts cooperating with the Institute