Bjoern P. Jacobsen
First Name: Bjoern P.
Last Name: Jacobsen
Country: Germany
Area of expertise:
Strategic Place Brand Development; Measuring Place Brand Effects / Place Brand Equity; Cluster Development; Cluster Management; Cluster Marketing; Place Branding & Inward Investment Promotion; Real Estate Marketing; 20 Years Experience in Local and (Inter-)Regional Economic Development
Visiting Lecturer, Luebeck University of Applied Sciences, Department of Industrial Engineering & Business Administration, Germany; Honorary Research Fellow, Geddes Institute for Urban Research, University of Dundee, Scotland
- Zenker, S und Jacobsen, B.P. (2014) (eds.), Interregional Place Branding, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (in preparation)
- Jacobsen, B.P. (2012) „Place Brand Equity: A Model for Establishing the Effectiveness of Place Brands“, Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 5, Nr. 3, S. 253-271.
- Jacobsen, B.P. (2012) “Place Brand Equity: A Model for Establishing the Effectiveness of Place Brands”, in Kalandides, A. und Pul, H. (eds.), Conference Proceedings International Place Branding Conference Special Edition: Roots – Politics – Methods, inpolis, Berlin, S. 155-167.
- Jacobsen, B.P. (2011), “Identitätsorientiertes Standortmarketing: Was Wirtschafts- und Hochschul-standorte von Markenartiklern lernen können”, ImpulsE, Vol. 15, pp. 12-17.
- Jacobsen, B.P. (2010), “Urban Place Brands and the Location of Creative Industries: A Model for Measuring Place Brand Equity”, Urban Research & Practice, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 275-298.
- Jacobsen, B.P. (2009), “Investor-based Place Brand Equity: A Theoretical Framework”, Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 70-84.
- Jacobsen, B.P. (2009) “Wirkungsanalysen und Erfolgsmessung in der Wirtschaftsförderung”, in Schmid, J., Heinze, R.G. und Beck R.C. (eds.), Strategische Wirtschaftsförderung und die Gestaltung von High-Tech Clustern, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp 161-172.
- Jacobsen, B.P. (2008) “Werkzeuge für die Clusteranalyse und das Clustermanagement”, in Floeting, H. (eds.), Cluster in der kommunalen und regionalen Wirtschaftspolitik, Edition difu, Berlin, pp. 247-258.
- Jacobsen, B.P. (2007), “From Bust to Boom”, Economic Development, Vol. 99, pp. 14-15.
- Jacobsen, B.P. (2003) “Cost Comparison Studies: Their Value, Validity and Future from an International Perspective”, in Bater, J.H., Carvalho, E. und Parker, P. (eds.), Papers in Canadian Economic Development Vol. 9, University of Waterloo / Economic Developers Association of Canada, Waterloo, pp. 1-25.