
CULTURA: Factor clave de la competitividad y la regeneracion urbana en el contexto de la capitalidad europea de la cultura 2016.

The culture, in its broadest sense such as the arts, education, human creativity and cultural industries, is one of the key tools and resources in addressing the challenges of a sustainable urban development and assuring the competitiveness, prestige and a prosperous future of our cities. Many cities start to invest in culture as a […]

Expat centers: the key drivers of talent attraction and retention in European cities

The purpose of this research is to review the profile, the structure and the range of services offered
by expat centers of four European cities: Amsterdam, Brno, Hamburg and Vienna, highlighting their
main features and describing their best practices. Second, it will assess the function of the expat
centers in the context of city marketing and branding […]

Ukraine after the UEFA EURO 2012: triumph or broken hopes? The summary of effects

Great sport events attract the attention of mass media and improve development of services and infrastructure such as hotels, roads or restaurants. It is the time when millions watch the same event. This was the case during the UEFA EURO 2012 Soccer Championship which brought more than 1.8 million tourists to Ukraine (as […]

Destination Brands – Managing Place Reputation

Wprowadzenie do światowego bestsellera nt. brandingu Destination Brands – Managing Place Reputation autorstwa Nigela Morgana, Annette Pritchard Rogera Pride’a.

Destination Brands asks whether tourism places get the  reputations they deserve and discusses brand concepts, challenges and topical cases. It tackles how place perceptions are formed, how cities, regions and countries can enhance their reputations as […]

Hopeful Tourism. A New Transformative Percpective

Autorem artykułu jest Nigel Morgan oraz Annette Pritchard i Irena Ateljevic.

This paper makes a philosophical and ontological contribution to tourism knowledge. It discusses emergent perspectives and paradigms, identifies major omissions in tourism knowledge and challenges its dominant assumptions, reviewing the imperatives for a regime change in the field. The paper argues that the new […]

Global competitiveness versus community identity: Can culture be the answer to managing this uneasy balance in towns and cities?

Autorem artykułu jest Andres Coca-Stefaniak

According to a recent United Nations report, the population of our planet will reach seven billion people this year. It is nothing new to say that this milestone will be attained in full knowledge that poverty, environmental decline, unsustainable consumption levels, global migration flows and uneven demographic growth will remain […]

Uncomfortable strategic truths: A time to pause, reflect and ponder on the need for meaningful change in our towns and cities?

Autorem artykułu jest Andres Coca-Stefaniak

As this issue goes to print, our Journal of Town & City Management celebrates its first birthday. Since June 2010, not much has changed in the world . . . or has it? In our special editorial with views from JTCM’s Editorial Board on international trends in city management, few […]

Branding miejsc. Gdzie miasta i regiony mogą szukać unikatowych wartości, które pomogą im zbudować silny brand?

Tworzenie atrakcyjnej marki miejsca wymaga znalezienia obietnicy emocjonalnej, która wykracza poza proste skojarzenia z miastem czy regionem. Jak w soczewce powinna ona skupiać historyczne przewagi i atrakcyjną obietnicę przyszłości.

Cały artykuł Adama Mikołajczyka, pochodzący z Magazynu THINKTANK (zima 2010/2011), można przeczytać tutaj – Branding Miejsc.

W pogoni za konkurencyjnością gospodarki

W Gazecie Finansowej ukazał się felieton autorstwa Jarosława Górskiego – eksperta i członka zarządu Europejskiego Instytutu Marketingu Miejsc – poświęcony współczesnej dyskusji na temat konkurencyjności krajów. Tekst można przeczytać tutaj.

Polska konkurencyjna?

Jarosław Górski – ekspert i członek zarządu Europejskiego Instytutu Marketingu Miejsc – opublikował w Gazecie Finansowej tekst na temat pozycji Polski w światowych rankingach konkurencyjności. […]

We, The Cities: Urban Strategies for an ethics of care or what to do when my star projects become White elephants

Autorem artykułu jest Gildo Seisdedos.

The title of this article makes reference to the interesting exhibition “Spain [f] we, the cities” sponsored by the Ministry of Housing and presented in the Venice Biennial of Architecture 2006. Cities are of the female gender and this stereotype is used in the present article to account for the […]

City Branding as a tool of the Local Development

Autorem artykułu jest Kvetoslava Matlovičová, René Matlovič, Barbora Némethyová.

The increasing competition of the cities caused implementation of the marketing principles in the local development strategies. The very important segment of the territorial marketing is the place branding. This term could refer to a country, region, tourist destination or a city. The city branding is […]