Nigel Morgan
Imię: Nigel
Nazwisko: Morgan
Kraj: Wielka Brytania
Obszar zainteresowań:
Place Branding, with a focus on tourism
University of Surrey’s School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Tourism Poverty in Affluent Societies: Voices From Inner-City London, with Diane Sedgley and Annette Pritchard, Tourism Management.
- Destination Brands. Managing Place Reputation 3rd edition Nigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard and Roger Pride (eds.), Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2011. Download introduction plus flyer
- The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Creating an Academy of Hope 2nd edition, Irena Ateljevic, Annette Pritchard and Nigel Morgan (eds.) Oxford: Routledge, 2011.
- Hopeful Tourism: A new transformative perspective, with Annette Pritchard and Irena Ateljevic, the Annals of Tourism Research 38 (3), 2011, pp 941-963. Download article.
- Tourism and Inequality: Problems and Prospects, Stroma Cole and Nigel Morgan (eds.), Oxford: CABI, 2010.
Członkostwo w organizacjach:
- The Welsh Centre for Tourism Research in the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC).