Joao Freire
Imię: Joao
Nazwisko: Freire
Kraj: Portugalia
Obszar zainteresowań:
Place Branding
IPAM – The Marketing School
- Freire, J. (2011) “Brand Lisboa e Vale do Tejo”, In Keith Dinnie City Branding – Theory and Cases Palgrave, London.
- Freire, J. (2009) “‘Local People’ a Critical Dimension for the Place Brand Building Process” Journal of Brand Management, Volume 16, Number 7, pp. 420-438
- Freire, J (2006) “‘Other tourists” a critical factor for a geo-brand building process”, Place Branding Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 68-83
- Freire, J (2005) “Geo-branding, are we talking nonsense? A theoretical reflection on brands applied to places”, Place Branding Vol. 1, Issue 4, pp. 347-362
- Caldwell, N and Freire, J. (2004) “The differences between branding a country, a region and a city: applying the Brand Box Model”, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 4-75
Członkostwo w organizacjach:
- Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Regional Editor for Europe, Middle East and Africa palgrave-journals.com
- Reviewer for the „Tourism Management” journal
- Reviewer for the „Journal of Brand Management”
- Member of Tourism Concern (tourismconcern.org.uk)