Raquel Goulart Sztejnberg

Raquel Goulart Sztejnberg

Imię: Raquel
Nazwisko: Goulart Sztejnberg
Kraj: Brazylia

Obszar zainteresowań: Branding and Place Branding

Firma/Organizacja/Uniwersytet: Saravah is a Branding + Content + Design agency based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
We work to make brands unique, admired and desired. The projects I lead directly involve brand strategy, brand personality, brand experience and brand management, besides place branding studies and workshops.
We are the official representative agency of City ID, a British company based in Bristol, UK, working on strategic wayfinding projects (currently NY and Moscow).

Członkostwo w organizacjach:

  • Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
  • Institute of Place Management