Kvetoslava Matlovičová
Imię: Kvetoslava
Nazwisko: Matlovičová
Kraj: Słowacja
Obszar zainteresowań:
Place Marketing and Regional DevelopmentThe geography of Tourism and Recreation
University of Presov in Presov,Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences,Department of Geography and Regional Development.
The University of Presov ensures high level of research activity by the fact that it was included in the highest qualitative category of schools in Slovakia – among research universities. Its high level of research is confirmed also by the development of 3 centres of excellence. The Department of Geography and Regional Development is recognized as a prominent scientific and research centre at the University of Presov. The department is permanently successful in acquisition of grant support for its research activities. The academic staff has been involved in the solutions of wide scale of international and national research projects.
- Matlovičová Kvetoslava (2007): Place as Overlap Between the Interests of Regional Geography and Marketing, Revija za geografijo, številka 2-2 / 2007, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Slovenija, ISSN 54-665X, s. 53-62
- Matlovičová Kvetoslava, Matlovič René, Némethyová Barbora (2010): City Branding as a Tool of the Local Development (Case study of Košice, Slovakia) in Proceedings of Educons University for social science, book 1., The first science symposium with international involvement of Educons University at Sremska Kamenica – Business Economics in Transition, ISBN: 978-86-87785-20-5, pp.:127-136
- Matlovičová Kvetoslava (2007): Genealógia marketingu miesta, kapitola 17, s. 197-214, in Ježek, J. a kol.: Budování konkurenceschopnosti měst a regiónů v teorii a praxi, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, ISBN 978-80-7043-632-5, s. 268
- Matlovič René; Radoslav Klamár; Matlovičová Kvetoslava (2008): Vývoj regionálnych disparít začiatkom 21. storočia na slovensku vo svetle vybraných indikátorov / Development of regional disparities in slovakia at the beginning of 21st century based on the selected indicators, Regionální studia / Czech Regional Studies, recenzovaný vědecký časopis, 02/2008, ISSN 1803-1471, s. 2-12
- Matlovičová Kvetoslava; Matlovič René, Barbora Némethyová (2009): Perception of the potential of Presov for recreation and leisure-time activities by its inhabitants /Percepcia potenciálu Prešova pre rekreáciu a voľnočasové aktivity jeho obyvateľmi´in Aktywnosc turystyczno-rekreacyjna w obiektach dziedzictwa kulturowego i przyrodniczego, pod redakcja J. Ruta i P. Ruta, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Wydzial Wychowania Fizycznego, Katedra Gospodarki Turystycznej, Rzeszow 2009, ISBN 83-926640-5-5, chapter II, pp.: 170-179.
- VEGA č. 1/3050/06, Quality of Life – Conceptual Frame of the Complex Geographical Interpretation of the Spatial Structure of the City (2006-2008).
- VEGA č. 1/0611/09, Concept of place in regional-geographic analysis and synthesis and territorial marketing: theoretical-methodological basis and its application in a chosen model territory (2008-2010).
- Koordinátor študijného pobytu v Programe cezhraničnej spolupráce Poľsko – Slovenská republika 2007-2013: Spoločne za rozvoj regiónov na oboch stranách hranice (2009-2010), mikroprojekty; Európsky fond regionálneho rozvoja.
Członkostwo w organizacjach:
- Slovak Geographical Society