Marcus Andersson
Imię: Marcus
Nazwisko: Andersson
Kraj: Szwecja
Obszar zainteresowań:
Branding of macro and cross-border regions, nation branding, public diplomacy, public and EU affairs, Public-Private Partnerships, marketing of clusters.
Tendensor is the leading place-branding consultancy in Sweden. Our focus is on how cities, regions and countries actively can differentiate and improve their image. Over the last few years, Tendensor has successfully managed a range of place-branding projects for towns, cities, regions and countries. More than 800 decision makers have participated in our place-branding seminars and workshops. Our overall aim is to be the point of reference for the development of the field of Place Branding in the Nordic Countries.
- Project: BaltMet Promo
- Report: Place Branding and Place Promotion Efforts in the Baltic Sea Region
- Research project and paper: Ambassador Networks and Place Branding
- Research project: Business Incentives in Place Branding
- Paper: Region Branding: the case of the Baltic Sea Region
Członkostwo w organizacjach:
- Association of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy